Sunday, April 12, 2020

Easter Weekend

Happy Easter!

For the first time in forever we are not celebrating Easter with our church family. Thank you COVID-19. Instead we'll be meeting remotely and separately as we tune into Felida's YouTube live session later this morning. It's a good thing really, we can only hope that unchurched people might land on the video during or after. It's not ideal, but it's what we've got right now and at least we'll be able to attend worship, but only separately. Sunday evening is our Small Group night and we have been meeting via Zoom. A handy tool to allow us to meet for a short period of time.

My weekend started on Friday and I feel like I've done enough that I don't feel like the day was wasted. Also, I'm trying not to beat myself up when I don't feel like doing the things that I say that I might want to tackle. Staying home is enough to keep me feeling down, so I don't need to set my expectations high.

Yesterday and Friday I did spend some time in the Hoop House getting things cleaned up and organized. Also decided to transplant some seedlings - even though they were on the small side. The only problem that I ran into was the fact that my seedling trays were mostly trashed and I had to get more. My choices: Amazon or drive to Wilco in Battle Ground. Because I don't like to go to Battle Ground I looked on Amazon first. After searching for a few minutes and kind of being interested in a couple of different offerings, I decided to drive to Battle Ground. This trip will probably be the last trip out there for a while. At least it is an option.

A mix of saved seeds and new seeds from Seed Savers
Both Friday and Yesterday were beautiful sunny days so I was happy to be in the hoop house and not out in the wind. Friday the temp reached 82 degrees out in there! Anyway, transplanted more than is pictured above. Looking forward to more days getting seeds and seedlings planted or transplanted!

The one thing that I wanted to do, which probably will happen today, is to get the tarp out and cover the garden for the next few weeks. The chickens have been moved out and it's time to start the prep with a period of baking for the next month or so.

This was taken March 10th.
My hope is to start planting in about a month. That gives me a few weeks to plan where to put my crops and how close I want to make the beds. The vining crops take too much room, so those will be planted somewhere else. Maybe in the space where I tried to do Three Sisters last year.

Lots to plan!

Late yesterday we went for a walk and as we were getting started we saw this:

These are the neighbors who live across the street from us. They were practicing Social Distancing and playing BINGO. I didn't notice them at first since I getting my Pokemon Go working. Then I heard someone yelling out B-11 or whatever. We are only acquainted with three of the families and it was fun to see them outside. This sheltering in place has caused people to think about relationships and this is awesome! On our way back I heard one of the men yell "The winner of the next round wins eggs from the neighbors!" Hahaha...I would have brought over a goose egg if I were feeling saucy enough. Next time.

And now it is after small group time and I've got a little time to finish this post.

This afternoon we DID get the tarp on the garden, but when I was out a little bit ago, the wind had blew some of the tarp around. We'll need to find some heavier weights for the corners I guess.

The only problem is that the garlic is in the big garden this year. I decided to try planting into the ground instead of into a raised box to see what kind of difference that would make. While I knew that I would be putting a tarp over the garden this year, that didn't stop me from planting the garlic. Note to self - plant garlic elsewhere this fall.

Also moved the fence around Fiona and piglet's area. It's only been two weeks with the piglets, but Fiona has been in the space a week more. Fortunately Fiona is the only one with full size pig poo. The littles still have itty-bitty everything! So, they will be okay for another couple of weeks.

Now my weekend is coming to an end and I'll need to get back into work-mode tomorrow. I'm certainly not looking forward to it as the project that I'm working on is very tedious. I am grateful that I still have work coming my way and that I don't have to worry about being furloughed or laid-off.

The only thing getting into the way of farm life is work :( Oh well, it's not forever and really farm life is still pretty sweet and I can't wait until this is my forever!

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