Friday, July 29, 2016


It finally got hot around here this week and I have not been that motivated to be out in the garden taking care of the plants. I'm not a fan of high temps and for me temps in the 90s is HIGH. I'm a 75 - 80 degree day type of person. Perfect...but we knew it would come at some point.


Harvested a couple of cucumbers this's about time!

this isn't the greatest photo...but hey it's my first cucumber!!!
Perfect little rounds :)

Friday, July 22, 2016


This week has been a little crazy - stuff going on...just working on maintaining the garden and plants and all that...

I finally got some little Shishito peps..

These are gorgeous little peppers - the longest is probaby around 3 inches.

Here is the pic that compares how much they grew in the last couple of months...

I have a total of three plants and each plant is full of little blossoms and peppers of different sizes. I look  forward to the day when I can pick a bowl full and make THIS.

Get out and play in the dirt!

Friday, July 15, 2016

Oh's FRIDAY!!!

All seems to be going well in our garden. This year we have started almost everything from seed - the excpetion would be that I wanted to try growing Shishito Peppers, but those seeds are not to be found anywhere. I DID luck out and find the plants at Freddy's. Go HERE to see that post. I need to take an updated photo of those plants - they are doing fabulous!

Anyway, since we made an effort to grow from seed this year I decided that our fall crops should be from seed AND from the super cool Johnny's Selected Seeds. The only reason that I am remotely aware of this company is because of Eliot Coleman.

On Monday we finalized our choices, but forgot THIS one - OOPS! Now we have a few things to try growing in our fall/winter garden. I'm excited!

I like how non-descript the packaging is - no glossy pics of the veg to be seen. 

Looking forward to getting these started...another project!

Friday, July 8, 2016

It's FRIDAY!!!

Things are pretty well established in the garden and we are still putting some seedlings in the garden. We have some stragglers here and there. At this point we are now experimenting with what will still work now that we are past June. We'll need to get some seeds ordered for our fall planting...and SOON!

Spent a little time sitting in the garden and enjoying the evening a couple of nights ago...
So fun looking to the west over Mary's boxes and seeing Tom!
This is what it looks like behind our house...we are definitely a work in progress!!
Won't have much time in the garden this weekend - we'll need to do as much as possible tonight!

Friday, July 1, 2016

We've Been Busy & Friday Foto(s)

And just like that it's July!

It has been a while since I did an actual post about what we have been doing. There has been so much happening that I haven't really had the time or the energy to sit down and record what's been going on around here.

In June we went to the Mother Earth News Fair in Albany, OR - man it was a HOT day! We sat in on a bee keeping seminar that was given by Bee Thinking out of Portland, OR as well as a talk all about keeping chickens. The hoop house was officially completed and the tomatoes & pepper plants were planted within the indoor garden. Then the task of starting to extend the existing fence that was created to be a  privacy fence which we plan to enclose where our Garden Boxes are located. We are currently thinking up some other ways to deter the deer since the fence will not be that tall and the deer would still be able to jump over. We'll see...

Tom and Team Renfro working on the gate post.
Tom and Doug getting post #2 dug & set
The discount strawberries that I picked up at Freddy's now have a home and are looking good. They will spend this summer with some bush beans...looking forward to having a crop of tasty berries next June!

Strawberry patch 
June seemed to just fly by! I celebrated my birthday by playing in the garden and being with Team Renfro and also had my hair colored the day before my birthday - professionally - for the first time! Let's throw in the Half Marathon that we did on Father's day and how much that hurt!

Today we managed to start AND finish an inexpensive tomato cage project. I have been wanting to make these tomato cages for a while. We had planned to go to Home Depot to get the fence stock, but on a whim Tom wanted me to go to Pioneer fence which is much closer to home. He was able to get a roll of about 50' for $20 cash - BOOM! We are good to go!!

It's hard to see what we did - but got 7 put together pretty quickly!
There will always be a project to work on, but there is satisfaction in the end result whether it's something we grew ourselves or a project that we wanted to do to make this a farm biz in progress.