Monday, January 22, 2018

Uses For...

For the longest time we just threw all of our egg shells into the compost bin. Then we got the chickens and we started giving the shells back to the chickies so that they could have the extra calcium back for nice hard shells. 

One day last week I was pokin' around looking at different garden stuff...could have been a magazine,  might have been on google, I don't remember. Anyway, there was an article about the different ways to use egg shells in the garden. One of the ways was this...

This is not the first time that I have seen a photo like this, but I never really thought about doing this. Especially with the regular store bought eggs. Those shells are WEAK and very brittle! Also, I'm not sure that I would actually do this since I have more garden space to fill than I have the time or patience to prepare the egg shells to do this sort of planting. I can use the eggshells in the garden as a bug deterrent, mulch and fertilizer though. So I may just save a bunch when the weather starts to improve and the garden boxes need to be prepped for spring planting. My garden can always use the soil amendments. 

I landed on a cool website on uses for egg shells - go HERE to check that out. 

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