Tuesday, January 30, 2018


Last summer I grew carrots! Which was great because I tried the year before and didn't get anything!
Anyway, there were a few odd shaped carrots that came up...

I don't think that we had many, but the ones that we did get...they were pretty cool.
I was checking out Facebook and came across an ad on the newsfeed (why is this even a thing)? I usually don't pay attention to the ads, but this one was for a company called Imperfect Produce...ummm...what?

Well, I gotta check this out right? As you can see from my carrots above, I'm not opposed to weird looking produce. So, what is this Imperfect Produce? Well, according to the website, it's the produce that would never meet the standards for local stores to offer/display for sale. Kind of sad right? The people at Imperfect Produce take those weird looking fruits and veggies and make up boxes in 4 different sizes and different types of fruits and veggies (conventional or organic) and make it totally customizeable by the customer.

First I had to find out if this would be available in our area...it is. Alright...let's do this!! I just happened to get my order in at the right time for delivery this coming Thursday. I can cancel future orders or add to my account anytime - so convenient, maybe too convenient.

I opted for the Organic box and this is what will be in my first shipment:

The BEST part, I can totally ask for more of one item or less or add something that wasn't added, but available. Example: The list included a pound of parsnips - who eats parsnips?! I decided to add the avocados instead. I suppose I could have added all of the items, but seriously, what would I do with the parsnips? I was originally going to receive beets as well, but again, those avocados were calling out to me :)

Okay, so I realize that what will be in the box might not look great, I've looked at some videos on the YouTubes and there were some articles on google. I know what I'm getting into, so there will be NO SURPRISES. My hope is that I will be surprised in a good way. So much so that I will continue to order maybe every other week until the growing season.

Another nice thing about ordering is that the imperfection of each item is listed as well as where the produce was grown. Since we are in SW Washington our produce will be coming from a warehouse located in Clackamas. That's as local as it gets! Most of the items on my list will be from Washington/Oregon, but the citrus and the avocados are from California. That's local enough for me!

Who needs perfect fruits and veggies anyway? Well, usually I do, but if I can save money...

Check out Imperfect Produce HERE.

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