Thursday, January 18, 2018

Throwback Thursday

It's time for an old post from a year ago...

Progress - Throwback Thursday

The first summer that we had the hoop house I grew several tomato plants in it and it was great! I also had some cayenne peppers, but I think the tomatoes just crowded them out and they didn't do very well.

Last season I decided to go ahead and grow the tomatoes in the free range garden and it was fairly disappointing. Some of the plants did great (the paste tomatoes), but there was Blossom End Rot and other plants just didn't grow. So, I decided to go back to what was successful, but I also asked for a second hoop house specifically for growing plants in. No potting benches or shelves, just planting beds.

Now that we have one hoop house build under our belts, the second one will be much better!

A girl can hope...right?

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