Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Sheldon the Duck

This duck.
He is the goofiest little duck ever!

In Tom's coat pocket when he was only a few days old.
Enjoying the sun in early spring.

For the longest time this little guy was a little stand-offish. However, in the last few months he has gotten to be a little clown. When we go out early in the morning to run he greets us and runs along the fence in hopes of some "outside" time. When I come home from work he's ready to leave the chicken paddock and take a swim in the pool or race Tom up and down the driveway. When we walk away, he just turns around and goes back to whatever it was he was doing. It's like he thought he would try to get us to let him out I guess. At least he tries.

Here are some details about Sheldon from the Livestock Conservancy:

Breed:  Magpie
Status:  Threatened
Use:  Meat & Eggs
Egg color & Size:  White, Medium to Large
Market Weight:  4 - 4.5 lbs
Temperment:  Docile, Active, Can be high strung (yes...he is active AND high strung!)

We did not intend to have a duck in the flock....just a goose.  To be a guardian of sorts. However, once we chose our gosling, the lady at the farm supply store said that he would need a buddy. Oh...how about a duckling? Yes? Okay...so we came home with one of each.

Here we are nearly 9 months later and these two dudes...

Summer 2017
Really, nothing else to say. Just a lot of fun!

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