Saturday, January 6, 2018

August 4-5, 2018

It's hard to believe that out of the Six Mother Earth News fairs in the US that there is one in Oregon! Albany to be exact - a location that is not terribly far away from where we live.

We have gone to the fair the past two years and have had the opportunity to sit in on a couple of seminars that we have brought to life on our property! The first year (2016) we arrived in time to sit in on the Backyard Chickens talk presented by Jeannette Beranger from the Livestock Conservancy. In April 2017 we got chickens going on the smallholding.

Here it is January 2018 and we are still getting some eggs each day. With 10 layers we'll have plenty of eggs that we need and then some.

At the 2017 Fair we went to two different seminars - one by Rebecca Thistlethwaite which was about raising livestock for profit. I think it may have been specifically about pigs, but I could be wrong. I did buy one of her books and chatted with her for a minute - I wish I could say that I was really engaging with her, but I wasn't. I don't know...I just get all tongue-tied. Meh...Afterwards I made my way over to where the next talk was going to happen and we sat in on talk by Jeannette Beranger about raising PIGS.

You know where this is going...

In a couple of weeks we will be visiting a farm that raises American Guinea Hogs and plan to glean as much information as possible to get ready to add a breeding pair of AGH to our mini-farm. I figure we go now and we'll see how much needs to be done. Maybe we'll add the swine in late spring. We'll see...

We really need to be mindful of the seminars we choose this year...things seem to happen

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