Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Escape Artists

These little girls are the BEST egg layers...with a record of 364 eggs in a year by some random Australorp way back when. 

The other thing that these girls are...


I don't really know what it is that they are looking to do - besides aggravate us. Every now and then (twice in the last 5 days) they like to escape the confines of their chicken arena. Which means one or both of us need to try to coax them back to the rest of the flock. 

From the time they were just a few weeks old and even now they still escape the chicken run. When it's just one of us it can get tiring and/or frustrating trying to get them to go back in with the rest of the flock. Try getting a little chicken to go INTO the chicken area is bad enough. Imagine the duck and goose who get to free range trying to get out! 

Today this happened to Tom while he was home....alone. When the little girl made her escape Tom had to let the boys out because well, they like to get out too. Then to "help" Tom out, they chased the little girl around the fence while the rest of the flock followed along from inside the fence. I would have loved to see that! In the end, with no help from the hooligan waterfowl, Tom was able to get the girl back in...for now.

They are nice girls though and I'm sure that they aren't trying to be a sneaky...or maybe they are. 

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