Friday, July 15, 2016

Oh's FRIDAY!!!

All seems to be going well in our garden. This year we have started almost everything from seed - the excpetion would be that I wanted to try growing Shishito Peppers, but those seeds are not to be found anywhere. I DID luck out and find the plants at Freddy's. Go HERE to see that post. I need to take an updated photo of those plants - they are doing fabulous!

Anyway, since we made an effort to grow from seed this year I decided that our fall crops should be from seed AND from the super cool Johnny's Selected Seeds. The only reason that I am remotely aware of this company is because of Eliot Coleman.

On Monday we finalized our choices, but forgot THIS one - OOPS! Now we have a few things to try growing in our fall/winter garden. I'm excited!

I like how non-descript the packaging is - no glossy pics of the veg to be seen. 

Looking forward to getting these started...another project!

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