Friday, July 14, 2017

A Day In A Life

So, our days get pretty full and by the end of the week I am ready for the weekend for sure!

This is a run down of the day - keep in mind we are now training for a half marathon, so the training runs are happening in the morning which just makes the time at home jam packed until I leave for work!

What our day looks like:

0415 - usual waking time. It makes sense when we run, but otherwise it's just plain silly. Waking up is a process for me, so I need a little time to make friends with the day - which includes a cup of coffee and playing on my phone and kindle checking email and checking what's "trending" on facebook and Instagram.

0457 - the Dude alarm goes off - Time to feed the cat! By this time we should be ready to head out the door.

0500 to 0510 - we leave separately for the current run training. We run separate as it motivates me more to keep going. It really is a little creepy to be out so early on my own. At least Tom and I cross paths at some point.

0530 to 0600 - depending on the distance we return back to the house.

0545ish - this is the usual time to go and start the chicken chores. Give the little ladies and little roo's their breakfast and let the two hooligans (the duck and the goose) out for pool time and their own food time.

0615 - Tom gets into the shower.

0630 - I get into the shower and get ready for work.

0715-0725 - head out to a well known coffee spot for ANOTHER coffee, sometimes breakfast and a visit with whoever might be lurking about.

0745 - time to go to Hazel Dell.

0800-1130 - work, Work, WORK!

1130 - 1230- Lunch time!

1230 - 1700 - More work, Work, WORK!!

1700 - done at work! Time to go home!!

1715ish - arrive home.

The rest of the day consists of eating dinner, conversation on my day and Tom's day, watching our favorite YouTube videos.


Anywhere from 1800 to 1900 - we start the evening routine of getting the chickens fed and the hooligans watered and fed. This includes pool time for the duck and the goose. They like to wander around the property to forage on weeds and grass.

By 2000 - the boys need to be led back to the chicken corrale and I have to get my garden stuff done.

Yes, I have a garden too. If you look at my last post you'll see that it's mediocre at best.

So, yeah - this is a typical day. However this doesn't even include the extra stuff that comes up like appointments and friend time and stuff like that.

Now that we are running regularly again (this week) I'm pretty tired by the end of the day. I try to maintain, but sometimes a girl's gotta have a little downtime, but WHERE would that fit in?!

We are following a 10-week training plan for the ONE event that we will be doing this year. We are only finishing up week one. The mileage ramps up quite a bit, so I'm not sure how we will accomplish all that needs to be done (training runs that are more than 4 miles) in the already jam packed first few hours of the day...BEFORE work!! Oooh...a challenge. Just what I need!

Well, at least we are living life to the fullest...I think I need to nap :)

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