Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Now That The Chickens Are Done...

What do we do now?

There is so much still that needs to be done and it appears that I am starting to run out of time! Well, that might be an exaggeration, but I feel that sometimes. The days a getting shorter and my To-Do list seems to get longer. That's mainly because I keep coming up with things that I could probably do with this, that and the other thing. There are two things that absolutely need to happen this month - within the next couple of weeks would be preferable.

First....Garlic. For the first time ever I decided to order seed garlic and since I didn't know what I wanted I went with a sampler.

I'm pretty excited about planting garlic. I tried to do garlic a couple of years ago, but then after a little research realized that garlic needs to be planted in the fall. Maybe I kinda knew that. Also, I used what store variety we had hoping that something would come up. I think a couple did - but that was it. Since then I decided to move on to other things. I'm ready to go back to it and give a go. More than that this needs to be successful - seed garlic is not cheap...well, it's not overly expensive, but for $25 I want some quality garlic coming out of the garden. That's not a lot to ask for, right?

The other thing that needs to be planted would be my Saffron Crocus. I'm still trying to come up with a space for those. I may have to just plop those into one of the garden boxes that are now officially mine. The only thing is these dudes are fall bloomers. So I'll need to figure out what will be okay to grow with these until fall rolls around. Maybe a box of pretty herbs and flowers...hmmm...

crocus sativus
What will I do with the Saffron? I have no idea. I just had the idea to put something special into the garden and see what happens. This will be interesting. What I do know is that saffron is an expensive spice. Either way, it can be quite spendy for the amout that you get and how long it will last. I got it once and I can't think what I used it for. So, this time next year maybe I'll have some saffron flowers blooming and then maybe I'll have a few strands of saffron to try out. I'll have to learn how to deal with these things so as not to destroy what I'm hoping to use in the kitchen.

Always trying something new!

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