Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Crocus Sativus

Has anyone ever used Saffron? I did once and I don't remember why...maybe some obscure recipe that I found that called for it and I happened to find it at some random store that I don't remember now...maybe it was Trader Joe's.


It has been a long time since I got that saffron and it is safe to say that it wasn't a memorable experience (man I wish I could remember what it was for), but for some reason using the saffron has stuck in my mind.

Not how it was used or anything, just the fact that I found it and it had less than a dozen strands of the goods in the teeny-tiny bottle.

As I continue to grow stuff I've been thinking about the different things that I want to try and woudn't you know it Saffron came to mind. Back in April or May I did some research then decided to place an order on the Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds website.

Then promptly forgot that I had placed an order...but only for a couple of months.

The order shipped in September and I still had to wait to do anything with them until this month. That's only because I didn't know where I wanted to put them. My friend who had been gardening in our yard decided that she no longer had the time or inclination to plant more than what she is now able to grow at her home and essentially gifted the garden boxes to us. So I spent a couple of days weeding out one of the long narrow boxes and got the bulbs planted. That was on October 16. There was already growth on many of the bulbs so I did my best to not damage the growth and successfully planted all twenty-five.

This week I was out messing around with the ducks and happened to take a look at the box with the crocus planted in it and this is what I saw:

There were three blooms just standing tall and looking so pretty. Now that it is raining the blooms have wilted and the stigmas were all ruined. Note to self, don't wait to harvest the saffron next year.

I hadn't planned on harvesting this year, but now I know that I'll have to do it when the time is right and when it hasn't rained.

Like many things that I try, this is an experiment. Maybe one day I'll have enough to sell super small quantities to a select few people...people that know how to use saffron at least. It's a future dream maybe.

Farm Life...

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