Thursday, May 9, 2019

Been A Little Distracted

A week ago we added a couple of babies to the farm/homestead. So I've been a little distracted and doing the most minimal possible around the farm. Actually, that's not true - I've tried to incorporate these two into a routine...

These two came home on May 1 and oh baby...they are so much fun!
Starting on the weekend these two would be liberated from jail (the brooder) and hang out nearby while I worked in the garden in the early morning on Saturday. Tom who is the breakfast king went and got breakfast ready while I supervised the mini-hoodlums.

Since the weekend I have been going about my business and doing the chores as usual and they had been doing a pretty good job at sticking close to me. In the last couple of days they have gotten even MORE independent - which is fine - but they have been lagging behind whenever I am interested in them following me to a different part of the farm. Little stinkers!

Up until a couple of days ago the routine was to get them out early in the morning to let them forage a little and run around a bit then back into the brooder. A couple of days ago while I was in the hoop house they were with me just nibbling on the greens in the garden bed. Right then, I had the thought that they could just stay in the hoop house during the day. I was starting to feel bad that they would have to go back into the stinky box. In the dark.I'm a thinker...

They LOVE the hoop house and all the space. Most of all I'm glad that they have fresh air and some sunlight to keep them warm - although today is a little too warm with outside temperatures in the 80s and the hoop house temps are usually much higher. Even for a little stinker who can hide in the shade. Even though that is an option, I don't think that they are THAT smart and probably don't sit under the bench.

Anyway, we got new babies and I've been distracted. I'm doing my best to incorporate them into the morning and evening routine so that they know that things happen. So far they are not affected by noise coming from a string trimmer or a lawn mower. They are pretty chill and do their own thing...until they figure out that someone has left. That someone is usually me. This was confirmed the other day while I was scrooping up some wood chips they realized that there was no one around. Tom came walking up and they walked toward him for a second and then realized that I wasn't him. They started crying again until I called out and then all of a sudden they both came running to the chip pile.

It's good to be popular :)

I'll have to actually buckle down and get to work on the garden (boxes and free range). This means that the Goslings will need to either be locked up or penned up. I'm not wild about either option, but it will have to happen that way. Otherwise the distraction will continue.

The littles made short work of my greens in the hoop house.
I'll have to let them clean the hoop house bed all of the time!

This farm life is awesome!

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