Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Little Fuzzies

It's that time of year!! The chicks and ducklings are starting to show up at Wilco!!  Tom was out in Battle Ground and stopped in at Wilco to check out the chick situation today and sent a couple of photos - the chicks and what they will end up looking like...

The Barred Rock


Breed Information:

Use:  Eggs, Meat
Egg Color & Size:  Brown, Large
Market Weight:  6-8 pounds
Temperament:  Calm, Docile
Characteristics:  Early Feather, Cold Hardiness

The Mottled Java


Breed Information:

Use:  Eggs, Meat 
Egg Color & Size:  Brown, Large
Market Weight:  6.5 - 8 pounds
Temperment:  Hardy, Calm, likes to range
Characteristics:  Excellent Forager

These were the only two breeds that Tom sent to me. We'll be making a trip out there on Friday to check out all that they have available. 

I would really like to get some chickens that are good layers - that lay 200+ eggs per year. From some of the research I have already done, the Mottled Java is an okay layer with approximately 150 eggs per year. The Delawares can lay up to 280, Dominique - 230, Barred Rock - 200. I REALLY love the look of the Java though; might have to add them because they are cool! If I could find a place that has Dorking chicks I would get those just for fact that they lay white eggs. That would be an easy way to know when they are laying! A dead giveaway. 

I'm thinking of egg production and not really having to buy eggs from the store. The last dozen we bought might have been in August. Also, when we have surplus we will either sell them or give them to friends and neighbors. We have quite a few neighbors across the street, some of whom have had our eggs and they are happy to get the eggs when we have extra! Got myself a pretty easy market going here...hmmm...more chickens please!

Right now we have Black Jersey Giants and Australorps. What we need is some color diversity. So the next batch of chickies will grow up to be something other than BLACK. Why not switch up the color palette? White...Brown...Buff or Speckeled??? I'll be researching on the go as we head out to Wilco this weekend.

Oh...how I want to see the chickies! Hashtag who loves baby chickies?!

Maybe I am going to be like my mom...I now understand why we had so many chickens!

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