Friday, February 2, 2018

Imperfect Part 2

Yesterday was delivery day! I was hoping that the box would have been delivered before I went home, but it wasn't. The delivery window was quite wide... 3pm to 11pm. home and we sat down to eat dinner and I kinda hoped that the box would be delivered while we were in the kitchen...NOPE.

So we just went about our regular evening routine which included watching the videos that we follow on YouTube and watching something on Amazon Prime Video. Around 8pm Tom went to bed I stayed downstairs and thought maybe the box would be delivered sooner than later.

A little before 9pm I received a text that said that my box was approximately 4 minutes away. And to watch the driver's progress all I had to do was follow the link. That was pretty fun! Watching the dot heading down one street in our general direction. I continued to watch until they were getting close to our house and I went to a different room to watch them arrive.

They went past our house! To be honest, I don't think that many of the homes on our street have their house numbers visible - although our address is on the mailbox. So I went back to the app on my phone and watched as the dot hovered down by the private road then it made its way to our driveway.

This is where it got funny or a little creepy...our goose was sounding the alarm and he was so, So, SO LOUD!! It was almost as if someone was being killed or something. I kinda feel bad for the driver...that really is no way to be welcomed.

Once they left I got the box and proceeded to open it up...

What a cute assortment of fruits and veggies!
Really, the only thing that I would consider flawed with these fruits & veggies is that they are on the small side, not much in the way of scarring. The descriptions offered on the order site was accurate.

I have no problem with this first box. I feel like the red onions might be shallots or maybe they are onions...hard to say. I already have a plan for the sweet potato and the potatoes will be mashed for a side dish sometime in the next week. The apples look bruising that I could see. One of the lemons had a blemish on one end, but that won't affect the inside of it.

The Heart Shaped Potato logo
Whaaat?! Food to a local Food Bank?
Fun story!
Click HERE to try a box for yourself - and save $10 in the process!

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