Monday, February 26, 2018

What The...

These two dudes are 10 months old today!!

I cannot imagine life on our little farm without these two goofballs! 
We have figured out that Mr. Lenny is the kinda serious big brother. Mostly because of his size and not his age (they are afterall the same age).  He is quick to alert the group when snacks are being delivered (from neighbors) - which means he "yells" at everyone to stand aside while he goes through what has been offered. Once he has decided he is done with the treats he lets the other have what's left. He will also jump into action if he feels that there is discord in the Hen Pen - mainly when Thor is doing his thing. He really like the pullets...not sure why, but he just likes being around them. Also, he loves his human momma. He will cry out...very loudly whenever I come onto the scene. When he starts his honking I feel bad for the neighbors who have to listen to him. And since he is a bird, he doesn't understand "SHHH....BE QUIET." So we must endure until he gets over the fact that they are going for a trip out of the pen or that we are just passing by. I don't know why, but he was my favorite as a gosling...more so than Shelly. That might be because Shell was so darn squirmy as a duckling.

Shelly - he is the clown for sure! As a duck his main concern is digging around in the swampy areas around the property or in the dirt, grass, etc for the soft squishy snacks known as worms. Last week I decided to start digging in the beds for worms and he understood very quickly that the treats are we hunt worms together. It's all a very exciting time....for Shelly. The other thing that is so very funny is when he "races" Tom up and down the driveway! The one thing about Shelly is that he cannot be without his big brother. If he gets left behind when we are walking away, when he finally realizes that he is alone he will literally sprint behind me, Tom or Lenny until he catches up. All the while looking for snacks along the way. He has his priorities straight you know.

It's hard to say which has the bigger personality. All I know is that they are loads of fun to have as part of the flock. How could we have ever known how much fun they would be? 

There is something special about a mud puddle in the driveway!

Happy 10 Months of Life to the two hooligans!

If you want to see more of these two go to @the_goose_and_the_duck on Instagram.

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