Friday, February 23, 2018

When to Plant

My Seed Savers Exchange order was delivered in today's mail (YAY). As excited as I am about that, I knew that I needed to start thinking about when seeds need to be started. I have discovered that I am not good at planning.

The Hidatsa Red and Bee Feed Mix seeds were free
Going back to the Beginning with these collections
Last year I sat down and read through each seed packet and even had a calendar to find dates and move backwards to the date to sow seeds. The ONE time I actually do this and things did not go well...that figures.

What did we (or I) learn from this catastrophe? All the planning in the world isn't for sure.

My solution for this year? Fly by the seat of my pants and just start seeds whenever? Sure, that is doable, it has worked in the past. Even so, from that method, some of the plants weren't quite ready for the garden when I thought that maybe they should go out. Other plants were getting so big that I didn't really plan a space for them.

So, do I go ahead and go with the willy-nilly approach? That was my thought for about a second after I got my seeds. However, a little later in the day I got an email from Shorty's Garden Center. Usually I just scan the email quickly to see if there is anything interesting. I rarely look any further than what is in the email. However, this time I decided to scroll the whole thing and what did I find?! A handy dandy planting guide HERE.

What should I be starting indoors? Well, how about cabbage, kohlrabi, onions, lettuce and tomatoes? Let's do this!

Oh, noooo...not just yet...I am out of potting soil. DANG! I guess it's time to get some supplies other than seeds.

Minor detail.

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