Thursday, February 8, 2018

Throwback Thursday - April 30, 2016

Three gardening seasons ago we started the very early beginnings of a community kind of garden. With a friend of mine - go HERE to check that out.

This year will be year four of having Mary gardening on our property so now we'll be adding neighbors. I've already got one neighbor on board...just need to connect with her in person so we can get the details all worked out. It's easier to extend an invitation when you already know the person - agreed? I might just ask one more neighbor for this year and call it good. However if we had more, we could have more of a collaboration on how we want to work our gardens out together!

If we are going to invite more than two households, we better get on the ball soon. Our people will need the time to construct their own garden box - very simple or very elaborate and get things ready for the growing season.

My hope is to have something like -

Not necessarily the garden shed, but some garden boxes that are overflowing with homegrown veggie goodness!

This is a shot before the fence was looks much better with the fence! The space that I'm leaving for the new gardening peeps is the grassy area between the free range garden and the road. 
We'll see what happens. If there is time I'll be visiting some of the neighbors this weekend. 

Let the community gardening begin!

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