Friday, February 16, 2018

Yep, We Did It Again!

We got baby chicks again! When Tom went to Wilco Farm Store earlier this week and sent me a couple of photos of the chicks that were available. The Mottled Java was one that was available and I knew that they would be coming home to our farm. 

Last spring when I was researching what breeds were available the local feed stores, the MJ was on the schedule for one of the stores. I would later find out that some of the chick shipments were cancelled due to slow sales.  So we came home with the Jersey Giants instead and then supplemented the flock with the Australorps. 

With 10 hens and one Roo and several people interested in fresh eggs from pastured chickens I have been planning to add a few more pullets. 

So, off to Wilco we went and the moment I walked into the store I heard the sound of Spring in a farm supply store! It was fun looking at all the little fuzzy days old chicks...but I only wanted one breed! There were quite a few people gathered around the tubs so it was a few minutes before I got to the chicks that I wanted. In the process I chatted with a woman who wasn't sure which chicks she would be going home with so I told her that the Aussie chicks are good layers...I doubt that she ended up with any since her kids were picking out an assortment. 

So why did I just come home with one breed? When the girls get older and it's time to start culling the flock I will know which of the girls are the oldest and ready to be turned into stewing chickens. It will be easier to keep track of groups of breeds instead of tagging them or whatever. However, that is a few years down the road. So, we will have lots of egg gathering seasons from our first flock of layers.

Livestock Conservancy Java chicken facts:

Conservation Status: Watch
Uses:  Eggs & Meat
Egg Color & Size: Brown/Large
Weight: Male 9.5 lbs, Female 6.5 to 7.5 lbs.
Temperament: Hardy, Calm - Excellent Forager

Three Days Old
Adult MJ
Java Hens are not great layers - they average around 150 large Brown eggs. Even though I wanted a 200+ egg layer, I'm excited that we have one of the breeds that I REALLY wanted.

Here's to making our flock a little more diverse.

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