Thursday, March 1, 2018

Just My Luck

Pekins and Mallards(?) at Wilco last night
We might have a problem on our hands. Yesterday we made a trip out to Wilco to see if there would be any Magpie Ducklings arriving this spring. NOPE. 


They had pretty much EVERY other breed arriving at some point this spring, but no Magpies. 

Our plan for this spring is to add a few girls for Mr. Sheldon. Not only so that he could have some of his own kind to be friendly with, but also for the eggs. Also, I just like ducks. They have great personalities! And our little Magpie is a NUT! A little spazzy, but totally fun. He is so willing to just goof around with us and that just irritates the big guy (Lenny). A small flock of Shelly's is sure to drive Mr. Lenny crazy!

Back when these two were probably less than a week old
I did a search of the local feed store in our area and the other farm supply stores also, and nothing. It would figure that I would pick a duck that is rare. In fact according to the Livestock Conservancy website our little Sheldon's breed is on the "Threatened" list. Swell.

So, the next best thing is to find a place online where I can order these little girls. The only problem with that is that there is a minimum order - which I understand. Even if the minimum for any one breed is 5 that doesn't mean that would be considered a full order. Most places want at least 15 or 20 and up. So, there is the other problem. I am not in the market for adding a lot of ducklings or adding different breed. Let's face it there aren't many people in my circle of friends who want I couldn't order for other people.

We are already pretty much a spectacle. We are a novelty as far as the "neighborhood" goes. It's bad enough that Lenny is SUPER loud, but he is just doing his job really. It would be hard to imagine a few breeds of ducks running around.

Not sure how we got them to stand still long enough for a photo shoot - this was their "homecoming"
As I write this I have been in contact with another feed store in our area - they are checking into maybe...possibly adding a small order of magpie babies for one of their shipments.

I'm hoping it will be possible...please oh please oh please. The final answer will come tomorrow!

This duck would be so happy with his own kind to play with! 
Who wouldn't want a small flock of these cutie ducks running around?

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