Monday, March 12, 2018

DST and All Around Busyness

Man oh Man! We did so much around the house this past weekend! And it was Daylight Saving Time?!

Saturday - we were out and working on getting the chickens and the dudes moved to the new area. Instead of just letting them roam half of the garden at a time as we did for December & Janaury we got them set up to work the WHOLE garden and the grassy area all the way to the road which also included the wood chip pile. This took both of our Premier poultry netting (one is 100' and the other 160'). I don't gauge distance very well and I'm not spectacular at thinking out things ahead of time, whatever I got set up was taken down...booo. However, it was good for me to figure out exactly where we would have the opening, so not a total fail. 

What things looked like before the big move:

The back yard has been officially fertilized by the feathered creatures

They get another opporunity to poo up this area before we plant in a few months

I took zero pictures of my other Saturday activities which included:
  • Weeding a garden box, broadcasting some cover crop seeds and getting the cover over the top of it. 
  • "Working" for Mr. Shelly by digging up worms for snacks while he "supervised" and offered quality control by eating all that he could find. 
  • Getting some onion seeds started in a small tray and doing some general clean-up in the hoop house. It will need to be organized since I'll be getting the trays out and starting all sorts of stuff while I'm on vacation next week!
  • A trip to Freddy's to get my 99 cent cereal! There was a special download coupon good for Saturday - so Honey Nut Cheerios baby!
  • Tom worked on splitting some wood and stacking it up.
Sunday was a more relaxed day - kind of...maybe not:
  • Worship time - I was on the Info Desk schedule for the morning. I like it because I just stand around and talk to people. Which I could do every week, but don't. The introvert in me goes and sits down and waits for the service to begin.
  • After we got home I made another loaf of egg bread and tried making egg noodles.
  • While the bread was in the first rise I made some soil blocks and got my tomato seeds going. The other seeds I got out were Shishito peppers, cucumbers and I think some sweet peppers.
  • Small group time was all about games last night. So good to be with our people and playing together and laughing together. So. Much. Laughing.
Thought I would try making noodles - it's really a messy project, hence the bowl

My noodles are a bit thick, but I think they'll do just fine
Making bread just doesn't get old

Another thing that we figured out is just how smart Mr. Lenny is. We have been known to not always eat the crusts off of the toast that we have for breakfast at times. Those crusts go out to the chickens. Well, they are supposed to. Lenny actually gets to the treat first and eats up the tasty bits first.

SO - last night we sat out in the yard and ate our sandwiches (late lunch = easy dinner). Well Lenny & Shelly were out and about foraging when Lenny spotted the sandwiches and came right up to Tom and stood as close as possible. He was filled with so much excitement about the bread that he begged and begged and begged. Worse than a dog! That goose - he knows what he likes and he doesn't miss anything! Again I didn't have my phone, so there are no photos proving that this actually happened. It was pretty funny actually. At one point he was next to me, but I just kept eating and he just kept watching. Ever hopeful. 

Note to self: Don't let the dudes out to forage while enjoying dinner on the lawn!

I would rather see this:

Now that Spring is really just around the corner we have all sorts of projects in the queue for the next few weeks.

Here's another Great American Farm Tour video for your viewing pleasure. This one is titled "Turning Rotten Coconuts Into Eggs"

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