Friday, March 2, 2018

Just My Luck, Part 2

Yesterday I ended the day with the hope that we would be able to order half a dozen female Magpie ducklings. I was so excited...I didn't want to jinx our luck.

Today, I had a couple of things to occupy my mind at work so the possibility of the ducklings didn't really come up - until lunchtime. As soon as lunch rolled around I wondered when would be an appropriate time to start bing-bonging the feed store.

The fortunate thing is that Orchards Feed contacted me via Facebook. Gotta love social media!

Good news/Bad news situation (?)

Good News: They placed an order for me.

Bad News:  All of the Magpie ducklings that the hatchery had for the March 30th shipment...All spoken for.

Plan B: Wait for the April 20th shipment.


Actually, this will work out great! The baby Javas should be closer to being old enough to stay outside. Which would free up the broader for the ducklings.

The Mottled Javas at two weeks old - which was last weekend
All we need to do is go and pre-pay for the babies and set up an account. You know, be all official and stuff.

This is so exciting, I can hardly stand it!! By the time May rolls around we should have all of the new creatures that we are planning for on the farm.

Got Ducks?

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