Thursday, March 15, 2018

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Evidently, one year ago today I was on vacation...that's what my post was about last year. Go HERE to check that out. I remember being very productive with getting my seeds started, the hoop house organized and helping Tom build the chicken RV. There was also a lot of rain!

This year my week off is happening a week later than last year and hopefully not nearly as rain as it was then. The weather this week has been alright - there was one day that was quite rainy, but otherwise it has been decent.

Just one more day this week and I'll be outta here until the 26th!


As I did last year I will post daily - I don't want a repeat of last year and all the rain. If I wasn't on vacation I think I would have complained more. However, no matter what the weather is like, the work on the farm must go on. I always try to maximize the time I have and try to get the most important things done. Not that the stuff that doesn't get done is NOT important, but can wait a day or two or longer...

In the big picture next week will be a lot like last year - we'll be working on the chicken tractor as much as possible and I'll be working in my hoop house. I've got my Seed Saver Seeds to get started in trays. A trip to a local nursery to see if there might be some bare root stock still available is the only other thing I really want to get done. Should be a nice relaxing week. Anytime on our mini farm with the honker and the quacker and the cluckers is always a good time!

It's Thursday and my Imperfect Produce box was delivered early...behold:

So Many Carrots
Celery Root!
There were other not so interesting things. The amount of carrots was surprising...holy moly!

Think Beef Stew...

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