Thursday, March 8, 2018

Throw Back Thursday - March 8, 2018

Wowie-Zowie! How I want the weekend to be here! The past couple of weekends have been a little busy and I'm looking forward to having almost NOTHING on the calendar that will take us away from what we are doing at home.

At this time last year we had some things started - the chick mobile, seeds...inside AND outside go HERE to check out my 2017 progress. Actually that post was from the 7th - The post from the 8th is HERE.


This year the only thing that I can say that we have done is planning on paper, in our minds and that's about it. The duckling situation has been mostly resolved.  Still thinking about when we should be bringing home the piggies. The chickies - they are growing so fast! I've got my seeds, potting soil, a couple of bags of mushroom compost and a vague idea of what I'm going to get done this weekend.

The one thing that I do know we'll do is get the the girls and dudes moved again. They have been pooping and scratching around the back yard and some of the dirt areas for the last month and doing a pretty nice job. They will spend another month on the garden before we move them out to the field  where they have spent a lot of time. This means another trek across the driveway...pulling up tarps...dragging all of the chickies water pans and food stuff back over again. I'll get my steps in for sure! I am pretty sure that the girls don't care so much where they end up. Just as long as their is a place to forage and some dirt for bathing.

The two hoodlums (duck & goose) are cool with being anywhere as well. However, I think Mr. Lenny likes being in the garden area so he can get a really good look at what is happening across the street - especially when the school bus stops in the afternoon. He MUST greet the kids with loud honking and pretty insistent "screaming."

He's a treat...really.

A year ago I had my old seeds all spread out and I was going through and getting rid of all sorts of old, OLD seeds to get ready for the season. I did something different last year and kind of planned out what would be started in trays by what week. I have to say that I kept to that schedule pretty well, but by the time the summer rolled around things went sideways and I wasn't keeping very good track of anything!

Last year I tried out something a little different...growing potatoes in laundry baskets.

My inspiration
Did I nail it? Nope. It was more of an Epic Fail. I don't even have a photo to prove that it didn't go well. That's how bad it was. I still have the baskets. We'll repurpose them somehow. I will continue to grow potatoes in the earth - as it should be. I always enjoy the process of lifting potatoes and seeing what kind of bounty we'll get from each plant. This year I want to plant A LOT! Enough to store for the fall/winter months...while still enjoying some during the growing season. 

This week seems to have dragged on and on. I think I just need a rest...

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