Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Supporting Strangers

It's one thing to support someone you know when they are raising funds for a mission trip or a project or a community group. It's especially easy when you believe in the cause. However, when it comes to supporting someone you don't know...that's something a little different.

We watch several different YouTube channels regularly: Justin Rhodes, Art & Bri, Sow the Land and John Suscovich to name a few. I don't know any of these people personally. Sure I've sent emails or commented on their videos, but that's as far as the relationship goes.

Many of these YouTuber's have different ways of making a buck whether it's by people watching their videos or offering literature of sorts that is related to farming in one way or another on their personal websites. Or if you are particularly business savvy, by setting up a nifty online store and offering things like Apparel, Books, Mugs etc.

Stepping outside of the box that we live in - we supported The Great American Farm Tour on Kickstarter and by doing so we received a stainless steel mug as well as a GAFT sticker. In addition to those two things, we'll also get the GAFT documentary that will be released next month. Fun Stuff!!

Another YouTuber that we have supported would be John Suscovich and his hashtag one million chickens project -

Tom is modeling the latest of Farm  Marketing Solutions
More recently I have supported The Elliot Homestead by buying a "How To" book:

If you don't care to do an actual farm get this book for the photos alone!
In an effort to continue supporting the Elliott Homestead I have preordered her next cookbook...

This will release on April 1
This book will be a good one. She uses a lot of food that she and her family grow on their farm...in the Wenatchee, Washington area - she's a local for me! Which really means being in the same state!

My latest purchase in support of a YouTuber is this sweet handmade kitchen spoon made out of  walnut -

This measures just about 13.5"

Check out Sow the Land - Jason, Lorraine and daughter Penelope - they left Southern California to follow their dreams to live a better life through self sufficiency. They are living out their dream in North Carolina. Check out their website HERE. You can get to their store, blog and YouTube channel via the website.

It's a beautiful day in the Pacific NW - time to get outside!

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