Wednesday, March 28, 2018

It's Only Wednesday?!

The days have gone quickly, but the week seems slow. That's probably because I'm doing regular work and not the kind of work that I enjoy - working on our farm.

Progress on the Chicken Tractor has slowed down to almost a halt, but not really. Tom has been working on cutting the pipe that we have already bent and using them to make proper angles and not curved angles. Somehow that makes sense to me - and definitely to Tom's engineering brain.

The solution:

Tom was able to use some old copper pipe that he had stored away from a past project and did some magic to make the copper pipe fit into the other pipe. Then some soldering and BOOM we are good to go! One down three to go! Actually, I think there are is one more thing that needs to happen to attach this to the frame. I am hoping that we can get this done before the girl Magpie ducklings arrive so we can get the Javas out of the brooder!

Another thing that I have been on the hunt for is a shelter of some sort for when the Javas go out into the chicken tractor - in a couple of weeks they may be big enough to not need a shelter. We'll see. Anyway, there was a dog house for FREE on Craigslist and I thought that it would be perfect for our needs. I tried several times to send a text as the person wanted and I never got a response. So I decided to forget about it. I didn't think about it much more until yesterday and I decided to look again and see if there was anything else available.


I saw that it was located much closer to our home and contacted the person that listed it. After some emails back and forth I got the address and found out that they only live not even a 1/4 mile from our house! The other thing that made this a much better deal is that this one has a roof!

$25 later and we have ourselves a nice (and light) shelter for our feathered creatures.

The best part of the evening would be our duck! What a little clown! He definitely has bonded with Tom and whenever he "appears" outside Sheldon immediately jumps into action. He ALWAYS wants to be let out of the hen pen and play with Tom - if you can imagine that. He likes me and all, but he is ga-ga over Tom for sure. Always under foot and always "talking" while trying to steer Tom in the right direction - which would be to race in the driveway.

We are heading to the weekend and looking forward making the most of the time we have to work on projects and play with the duck and the Goose!

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