Tuesday, September 5, 2017


As far the garden goes...not so much. The garden this year has been very disappointing and when even the flower seeds won't germinate you know that something is not right. I have always had good luck with flowers in the garden - cosmos, zinnias, bachelor buttons, SUNFLOWERS....yeah, almost nothing came up!

This is a snapshot of what I planted

2 rows of  Cosmos...I got 4 or 5 sickly looking plants and even they never turned into anything.
1 row of sunflowers - NOTHING
1 row of Bachelor Buttons - NOTHING
1 row of Asters - okay, this was not surprising...got NOTHING.
1/2 a row of Borage - one plant.

I had all sorts of flower seedlings in the trays that I had hoped would be for a plant sale - it never happened mostly because the timing and the weather did not match up...so once I could get around to peddling them they were wilted and beyond saving. Although, I did get some of the marigold plants into the garden and they are happy.

Other items in the garden fare much better with the beans being eaten by something and a couple of my tomato varieties not doing much. Of the two that the plants are doing well, my San Marzano tomatoes are suffering from Blossom End Rot and so I have been picking a lot of those and tossing them aside.

So my enthusiasm for the garden has been very minimal.

Things changed last week and all of a sudden I'm excited about our little hobby farm...

The white egg is the store bought egg - needed to show some scale.

Thought there was only one, but there was another - and a third one that was broken.
This really lifted my spirits about what we are doing. I thought for sure that it would be at least another month before we saw anything egg-like from the little ladies.

Last weekend I was out taking care of the evening chicken chores and one of the little girls was making "that" noise...I KNEW when I heard it that she had something brewing. Since I didn't know for sure I didn't think much of it. THEN I think it was a couple of mornings ago and I was looking in on the chickens/duck/goose before heading to work and I witnessed one of the cockerels "violating" one of the girls...and there was NO PROTEST!


This is leading to something! Then the eggs happened. So we are doing something kinda right - hahahaha. So, layer feed is going out and we are now on the lookout for eggies hiding here, there and everywhere.

We know that the eggs are coming from the little girls...they are afterall not a big breed to chicken so it was about time. They are 19 weeks this week so yeah - they are on  schedule. The Jersey's will have to take notes until it's their time to lay, which I suspect will be a little while longer.

This is making me want to get more chickies next spring - DUDE fresh eggs!

Good Girls!

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