Friday, August 18, 2017

What To Do

While we are pretty content with the current plan growing a garden and raising chickens (for eggs right now) I am wanting to make a change and get other people interested in growing food for themselves. A couple of years ago my friend Mary started to garden on our property and it has been pretty cool having more plants growing in the yard along side our own plants.

THEN our neighbors directly across the street from us walked over with their puppies (so cute!) to visit and they were saying how they would like to create a small garden bed to grow tomatoes and other veggies.

Because I don't think very quickly on my feet - a couple of days later I was thinking about what they were hoping to do and it dawned on me that we could offer to let them grow on our property - it would be easy and close for them. Especially since they could just walk over with their kids to tend to their garden.

THEN I started thinking that we could do a small-ish community garden space and rent out space to the other neighbors. How great would that be?! The people that would like to grow food could do that and those who would like to buy our surplus could do that. I have yet to have surplus - and the way things went this year this year won't be very abundant either.

Good ideas right?

THEN I thought, besides having a community garden space we could have a space to use for ministry and see if the church youth group would want a project. If that were to happen, then we would need to figure out a purpose for them to grow veggies (a charity or for youth group fundraising).

Oh...a farm stand at the church!

I'm the Queen of ideas!! Too many to keep track of and actually to make into reality.

So, while I continue to figure out what the heck I am dreaming of - the dream changes often - I will be doing a lot of reading. Especially this book:

My ideas seem to come to me when I feel dissatisfaction when I am at work and being a surly not-very-old woman. Yep, I'm feeling that this week.

How about this face though...

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