Thursday, August 17, 2017

How can it be...

that we are in the middle of  AUGUST?! I swear we JUST went to the Mother Earth News Fair...JUST. And now it is the 17th of August! Just wow...

Besides having gone to the Fair at the beginning of the month things have been pretty much the same at home. Not a lot going on except - planning the fall garden! Last year was the first time that I EVER grew stuff outside of what is considered the "normal" gardening season and it worked out pretty well. Even with all of the snow and then all of the rain for several months after.

Everything grew last fall/winter which was a huge thing for me! Being very intentional about getting the seeds started and nurturing the plants until it was time to get them planted.THEN making sure that the critters weren't taking advantage of a free buffet.

This is from earlier this year when it was raining like crazy! We harvested some of this, but I think I was  more enthralled with the fact that I had grown these from seed. Also, it's not much fun walking out to this spot when it is literally pouring down rain. You just gotta love the Pacific Northwest! Anyway, I was in so much awe that these plants just grew and grew that I wondered why I never tried to plant stuff in the fall before.

So, this year I am being a little more intentional and planning what will go into the garden this year. The only problem I have is WHERE should I put this garden. Meh...we'll figure that out when we get there!

I have some  seeds in tray right now and as of this morning there were some sprouts. Of course, I can't remember what I have in the tray...Filderkraut, Gai Lan, some bunching onions for sure. I'll have to look later.

Another fun thing - I used the egg cartons that we have been stock piling for when we finally have eggs from the chickies. I found out recently that egg cartons are meant to be used for eggs once. Huh...who knew. Then I decided that instead of recycling the cartons that we had stored (which wasn't THAT many) I could repurpose them. After a little more research I decided to try them out as seedling trays.

It's really not the best photo, but hey - Got to use 5 of the cartons that were trimmed down to fit in the tray. I'm optimistic that this will work and that I'll be able to transplant little plants in a month or so!

So yeah, the summer is just moving along a little too fast and pretty soon we'll be planning NEXT year's garden and other projects.

Seriously, I can't take it anymore...

TBT to when Lenny was a wittle bittle goose...hehehe...

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