Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Always Planning

My mind can't seem to rest. I'm always thinking of the next thing to do - whether the project is for the garden, chickens, ducks or pigs. Sometimes I think of other projects like for gifting (Christmas anyone?) or for Operation Christmas child - my latest idea is to crochet washcloths. We'll see how long that lasts.

So what am I thinking about right now? Well let's take a look...

Garden - A few weeks ago I decided that we should grow asparagus in one of the areas in the back yard. After some research I found that I will need a lot of space to plant 25 crowns. Oh, I plan to order from Territorial Seed company in Oregon. An order has 25 crowns. It's a good thing we like asparagus.

Hoop House #2. I'm hoping for a new and improved space to grow tomatoes and other veggies that like the hot temperatures. I already know where I would like it situated - just need to start building it.

Chickens - Well this is a little more involved area as I am also dreaming up the waterfowl situation. Let's start with the chickens I am dreaming about having an actual mobile flock to work different areas of the property. This flock would be for clean-up purposes (and eggs).

Along with this mini-flock I would like to include a pair of goslings to get the goose factor back on the farm. My hope is to having a breeding pair of Embden geese. We miss Mr. Lenny quite a bit and things are very different without him so we want to get the goose on the loose back.

The Chick Shaw MiniMe - this is a smaller version of the chick mobile that we built last year hence the name MiniMe. This will be for our mini flock of chickens and the geese (are you sensing the theme here?) This coop is 4' L x 4' W x 2' H. I've got wheels already - so that is one less thing to plan for later.

While we are on the subject of housing for the chickens, we have thought about building another chicken tractor. That way the ducks will still have something to live in and we'll have one for the meaties...

Freedom Rangers! Shooting for a June processing date so it's time to get the order in for a March pick-up in Tangent. It has been gratifying to go and pull out a chicken from the freezer. One that has been raised on pasture and contains no funky stuff. Truly happy chickens doing what chickens do eat bugs and grass and get to run free on pasture. Gotta get the calendar out and figure out the dates so I can get the poultry kit reserved. More meat into the freezer!

Pigs - We are hoping that Miss Fiona will farrow sometime in the next 6-8 months. Which means we need to keep an eye on what is happening with Fiona and Rex. We know that Rexy has shown interest in his partner. However we are not sure how far the interaction progressed...because there was something going on - if you get my meaning...hehe.

Next week we'll be heading to the farm where we purchased our pair 'o pigs and watch as the farmers process one of their hogs. This is a learning opportunity for us and I am looking forward to checking out how things are done.

There are so many other things that just go through my mind it can be a little crazy. What I need to do is set aside thoughts about the farm and focus on getting my Christmas projects done.

The year is almost over, but there is always some to dream about and plan for!

Farm Life is the BEST Life

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