Monday, December 31, 2018

Will 2019 Be the Year?

It's New Year's eve and end of 2018 is coming quickly!

Tom spent Saturday with the Voyage kids at Winter Youth and they did a service project in Milwaukie. While they were there he spied this cool set up on the church property. 

These photos got me thinking about how we might get some people to garden with us...a small neighborhood community garden of sorts. All of these raised boxes are so cool! I can picture the area between the crop garden and the road looking like this!

We might have to just start building raised beds and charge rent per season - maybe that would be the way to go. Maybe build the boxes and grow stuff and sell the stuff? Donate? Make it a church project? All of the above, none of the above?

There are options, but where to start...hmmm...

I guess I'll see if anyone is interested and go from there. This may be one of those ideas that will stay on my radar for the foreseeable future.

Always dreaming and always planning. One of these days my dreams will come true.

Back to reality though...2019 will be awesome because I'm going to make it awesome!

Happy New Year!

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