Saturday, March 9, 2019

March 2019 Vacation

Today is my last day of vacation before the weekend. What did I accomplish this week?

On Monday we spent the day doing stuff around the house and enjoying the REALLY nice weather. I don't think that it was terribly warm, but it wasn't cut to the bone cold. We did have a dinner invitation to our friends house - it started with a suggestion to go have coffee - to us bringing dessert to said friend's house to them providing dinner. It's hard to one-up that one, so dinner with friends it is!

Tuesday was pick-up day at Jenk's - or rather at the pick-up location for Jenk's which is a gas station a couple of miles away from the hatchery. The drive to Tangent was uneventful as was the drive back - although there were more cars going toward Portland which is not unusual. Anyway, the little Freedom Rangers came home on Tuesday and there have already been changes just three days later. Today I noticed that their little feathers on their wings starting to develop.

Other than those two things, the week has been pretty quiet and relaxing. Felida Bible as a church doesn't observe the Lenten Season, but our Small Group has decided to observe this year. This is the first time that we have been a part of a group that is observing a practice that is mainly connected to catholics or lutherans among others. I had been thinking about doing something anyway as a way to refocus time that I spend playing games on my Kindle. I suppose the Lord has been gently nudging me to give up the games and other time wasters. I felt even more convicted when another player on one of my games announced via a group chat that she would be deleting all the games she plays for Lent. So, I hopped onto the chat and announced my intention to remove my games and here we are. So far I don't really miss the games and I have been spending more time reading my bible and have even made some progress in a couple of my books. Definitely the right decision. 

The only other thing that is worth noting is that we went to the movies on Thursday. We haven't gone to a movie theater in a while and Tom has been wanting to go. It's always been something he has liked to do. Me - not so much. Since he is willing to see anything that looks interesting to me I got to choose the movie. I decided that Green Book looked interesting. There was only one showtime yesterday at 4:10 at the Vancouver Mall Cinetopia. There were only two other people in the theater so it was kind of nice. Good movie too.

Overall this has been a relaxing week and even though I didn't accomplish a lot as far as our farm, I'm okay with that. I needed rest and relaxation.

One more video for fun.

Rest and relaxation on the farm is best.

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