Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Why I Take Vacation

In the years before we started our farm we would take vacations - like to places. For a football or baseball game or one year we flew across the country to participate in a running event. Other times we used vacation time for church missions trip to Tijuana.

These days my vacation time is spent hanging around home and doing farm projects. Whether is starting seeds or planting the garden or getting ready to add some feathered critters my time is spent here at home.

Today, March 5th, we are heading out to pick up our Freedom Rangers at Jenks Hatchery near Albany, Oregon. I choose to pick-up because today is the actual hatch day of our chicks and I know exactly how old they are and how long to let them grow-out before they graduate to the freezer.

Last year was our first time growing Freedom Rangers and it was successful - for the most part. We ended up losing 9 chicks in the process, but there has to be loss and learning at the same time. Otherwise we would get too full of ourselves thinking that we got this down. Farm life is not like that. We learn something new everyday or every week at the very least.

Choosing to grow our own food isn't easy, but we can't always rely on commercially grown food for good quality, nutritious food. We do subscription meat via Butcher Box and we do get a few organic vegetables from Imperfect Produce. But to make up the rest of good food we have to grow it ourselves. Well, we don't have to, but we choose to.

Since we raised our first batch of meat chickens I don't think that we have purchased chicken at the store very many times since September. We make do with what we have and really...a whole chicken does go pretty far when it is roasted and eaten in a couple of different meals during the week.

So this week, while I am on vacation, I am working on farm projects and will be setting up a couple of seed trays in the Living Room. If our morning temperatures are in the 20s our seeds will never germinate outside! The pig palace will be worked on some more and garden spaces may get worked over with the broadfork.

Today though, we are going out of town to get our chicks!

25 Meaties!
Farm Life is the Best Life!

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