Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Less Than One Week

The Freedom Rangers all smooshed in the box.
The hours old chicks in the big brooder
The Meaties are coming back to the farm in less than a week! Actually, we are going to Tangent next week and will pick up our second batch of Freedom Rangers. As soon as that happens and we get them home, the countdown starts.

This year we are letting them grow out for just under 14 weeks. Our last batch was right around 11 weeks and the smallest was 3.5 lbs and the biggest may have been 4.5 lbs. I would like the smaller ones in this year's batch to have a chance to get just a little heftier by harvest day.

My other goal is to get to harvest day with a whole lot less loss than we had last year. Due to our inexperience we lost 9 chicks around week 4-ish. We should have started withholding food and keeping them to only daytime feeding. It was a huge lesson learned and now we know better.

Farm Life!

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