Thursday, August 29, 2019


It has been a while since I did a throw-back post. Honestly I haven't been feeling creative, so this works out.

This morning we woke up to A LOT of thunder and lightning action. It was nearly constant. It has been quite a while since we had this much weather activity of this variety so early in the morning. When Tom went out to feed the critters, the geese did not want to leave the safety of their shelter. Smart critters!
The weather as it happened at 7:30 this morning
Later in the morning as I was getting ready to head out for the day the baby Magpies were a nervous wreck running around looking for a safe place to hang out. I'm hoping that they made it back into the hoop house, but that is not likely - they are not THAT smart.

In looking back at what I had posted a year ago it was a post for the whole week and not just August 29. Check it out HERE.

Enjoy the weekend wherever you call home!

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