Friday, September 6, 2019


Betty is back at it!
A few weeks ago I said out loud that I didn't want to try to break Betty's broody the next time it comes around. I wasn't thinking that a few weeks after uttering those words that she would want to sit. She must have heard me...tricksey little hen! Then she went broody and Tom said that he would like to give Betty a couple of eggs.

What would be great is that these will be females. With my luck we'll get two drakes. What would be good is that the eggs hatch at all. Not that we doubt they will, there is a chance that they won't. If they do hatch that would happen around September 24. My thought is that I could get some chicks from the local farm store and take the ducklings from her and raise them with the chicks. We ended up raising W & L after 4 weeks so it seems like maybe we should just raise them from the beginning. Of course the problem with that plan would be that she is the momma and she was a good one to the first two that she hatched. So, I need to think about this carefully over the next few weeks before the eggs hatch.

What we have observed is that W & L are more duck like than the Magpie Squad who were hatched and then shipped to the feed store. They had to figure out things on their own. Other than showing them the water and their food, they followed their instinct and that really only goes so far. The thing that I do like about the Squad is that they are not totally skittish around us.

Betty is great though - every couple of days she will totally tear out of her nesting box (which is a tote) and get down to business. Eating, getting hydrated and get in a dust bath. Each task is done with great urgency. Unfortunately I usually don't get to witness her time OFF of the eggs because I am at work most of the time she goes into this routine. So, the garage door HAS to be open just wide enough so she can get out of there!

Growing the Magpie Squad wasn't something that I thought would really happen. However, it looks like Betty is our ticket to the charming and delightful Magpie Duck. I am glad to add a couple more, but what would be really great - one of the magpie girls going broody and hatching her own clutch of eggs. I guess this will have to do for now.

Life on the farm is time well spent.

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