Wednesday, September 25, 2019

New Babies

Sunday morning we had a nice surprise of two ducklings under Betty. At first when Tom came in to tell me he didn't know that there were two. Later on I went out to take a look (or listen) and I thought there were two.

So, I REALLY wanted to see what she had going on underneath her, but I didn't want to disturb her too much - she's a serious momma! When Tom came out I asked him to lift her up so that I could take a photo of the duckling(s).

As it turns out, both of the eggs that Tom gave her about 4 weeks ago hatched...

Fully satisfied with the photo I had taken Tom placed Betty back in her box. Then I went back to doing this, that and the other thing outside.

This is where things went sideways. I don't remember what all happened after taking the photos, but I do remember that after a brief discussion, I thought that maybe all three of them should go into the brooder. I think this is what happened next...I helped Tom bring the brooder into the garage. Seriously that morning really was a blur. I went back into the house and was playing a game on my kindle and he came in a short while later to say that one of the ducklings had died. I don't know if this was inevitable or if we contributed to its early demise, but that's just the way things go.

It is possible that when she was being returned to the box that she put all of her weight on one of them. Possible, but really how plausible. I would think that she would have felt the baby underneath her somehow. Or maybe that one got smothered somehow and maybe just revealing them was just coincidental or something.

We'll never know, but I do know that we just can't beat ourselves up. Maybe we're only meant to add one extra duckling this time - who knows for certain?

After a brief period of grieving...I decided that I need to move forward with my plan. Going to Wilco to pick out some chicks that we'll use to replace some of the older ladies. Also, I was trying to figure out if Betty would accept babies from her own kind. After church I made my way over to Wilco in Battle Ground to take a look at what they had in the store. I wanted to get chicks that hadn't been in the store for a long period of time so that the chicks and the duckling would be of similar size for a minute.

My first choice was a White Leghorn. A nice white chick to add to the bunch, but these chicks were already starting to develop their first flight feathers, so I decided against them. Then I thought that maybe I needed to add a different colored chicken to the flock and one that would lay something other than a brown egg. There were Ameraucanas and Olive Eggers - both expensive. I didn't want to spend a lot of money for what I feel is like a novelty egg color. The Olive Eggers were $7.99 each - YIKES!

Besides price the other deciding factor is whether or not a chicken breed is a heritage breed or not. The Olive Egger is a breed that is a cross between a dark brown egg laying chicken and an Ameraucana (I think). I don't like the look of the Ameraucana, I don't care what color the egg is...the muffs are weird. So the next choice that was interesting to me AND heritage, the Sicilian Buttercup.

These littles are so cute! I absolutely love the markings! The Mottled Javas were cute with their little "capes." The markings on their faces are so unique. They will look like this:

photo credit
It's hard to tell what size this little hen is. Is she a bantam is she regular size? I can't tell. They do come in "regular" size and bantam. The sign at Wilco did not say bantam, so I can assume that they will be a regular sized hen. The comb will be interesting to see. They don't have a single comb, but two single combs that joins in the front and in the back - forming somewhat of a crown. Their legs are also supposed to be a willow green color.

So, I get the chicks and arrive home to introduce one of them to Betty. As it turns out Miss Betty didn't want to accept the chicks. What I realize now is that I probably should have introduced them to her at night, but that wasn't really an option as we had our Small Group Sunday night and the last thing I wanted to do is try to put chicks underneath Betty. Especially since she is so very sensitive about us being around anyway. We just get the evil eye from her...

This is the look only a little more mean.
So, I'll be raising the Buttercups for now and then at some point we'll have to come up with a different set up for them. It will be a while before we can integrate them into the flock anyway.

We love the babies! So much that I had a dream that we were trying to craftily slip some new ducklings under Betty. Which I thought about when I woke up and thought it was for real!

Oh...babies everywhere! Fun times on the farm!

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