Thursday, June 11, 2020

American Guinea Hogs

One of the things that I love about American Guinea Hogs is how calm they can be. They really don't put up a fuss or get too bent out of shape if something goes against what they want. Well, they might fuss a little, but that's to be expected. It was really fun to raise Rex and Fiona from newly weaned boar & gilt to now with two of the six of the piglets that Fiona farrowed on March 28th. 

Knowing that we would be selling most of the piglets in time I thought it best to handle them as much as possible. That way their new owners would have a easy time with the transition from our farm to theirs. The piglets were visited daily by both Tom and I as well as some of our friends who wanted to meet them. They were an instant hit with everyone who came to see them. I mean really, piglets are so stinkin' cute! No one can argue that! Also, Fiona was cool with us hanging around her babies and didn't get all crazy if one of them was picked up for any reason. Although there were a couple of times that they really squealed and she came to their rescue in no time flat! Note to self, be gentle with the babies. On more than one occasion while I was sitting and watching the babies she would just get up and wander off for a few minutes. Momma needs some alone time too...

At not quite two weeks old

Because we handled them so much and we were not a "threat" it was kind of easy to "train" them. Which really is just giving them a snack to get them to do what we want. At least that's what they zone in on, the snack. They're smart, but not geniuses. A little snack gets them every time!

Anyway, now that the four boys have moved on it was time to think about getting Rex back with Fiona. So yesterday, June 10th, we reunited Rex with Fiona with the kids as a bonus. This is not the first time that Rex has seen his babies, but this is his life now - no more absentee father! Since we sold the four boys last week (a week ago today) Rex has had the opportunity to hang out with Fiona and the kids a little more than when we had all six. After a while Fiona walked away as if to say "It's your turn, I'm going to go out for a while." Good Girl!

In order to get him moved we needed to spend some time getting the new paddock lined out and the fence installed which we did after dinner. It's a fairly good size area and they should have no problem poopin' it up good. Once we got them all into their new space they went right to work munching away on the grass and the volunteer squash. 

Top: Bridgette & Rex, Bottom: Fiona & Victor

Tom sent this to me. Rex "let" Fiona have pool time first

Anyway, this breed is an awesome breed! They tick all of the boxes for me too:

  • Easy to handle - Check
  • Gentle - Check
  • Docile - Check
  • Friendly - Check
  • Excellent grazers - Check
Those are my top characteristic choices. We have said more than once that they complete our farm and what we hope to do which is be responsible about the food that we eat, share the experience with those around us and  be good stewards of what God has gifted us. 

Our pasture has been better than ever before. Although the chickens did do a lot of that work, but the pigs are contributing to that as well. They are good at eating up crops that we have too much of, which I plan to grow extra because they will eat squash and whatever else suits their palate. It's a good way to supplement their diet without spending a lot of money. The babies have been using their tiller/noses to root the grass and weeds that are in the driveway which is nice, but they don't do a thorough job. Their interest in a specific "job" is short-lived. I forgive them because they are cute and also, they are only 11 weeks old - their job is to grow up right now. Anything they do is instinct and they are practicing. 

If I had to do this all over again, I would have gotten pigs sooner. Actually if I could go back and do things again I would have started with chickens YEEEEEARS ago! Not so sure that pigs would have been a thought though. I always thought I would just do the chicken and duck thing like my mom. Only on a smaller more manageable scale. 

We have Mother Earth News Fair to thank for the pigs idea. Since the second time we attended the fair and we sat in on a couple of pig talks the wheels in my head started turning...

And now we are Pigs 'n Poultry Farm - or something new. Been thinking about new names lately. 

Farm Life Best Life!

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