Monday, June 15, 2020


It may seem like I only just went back to work in the office full-time instead of working at home. This is true, but I really needed a break. Time to not think about anything work related.

My initial plan was to work at getting my garden planted. So far it has rained every day since Thursday. Actually, that's not true, there was a day that wasn't rainy. Oh wait, Friday. Yep, Friday morning I was able to get some plants into the garden - Romanesco and Lemon Balm. Saturday was a dreary day - good for hanging out inside and doing almost nothing. I think I may have watched several episodes of Star Trek Voyager. Yesterday Tom helped me with getting the remainder of the Salvaterra tomatoes into one of the garden boxes. We have an unintended experiment happening this year with the Salvaterra plants. There are 10 plants in the crop garden, 6 in the garden box and there is one left which will go into the hoop house. We'll see what works best for these plants.

Romanesco & Lemon Balm

Salvaterra Tomatoes in a Garden Box

Friday was a Floating Holiday for me so today is officially vacation day #1. Like I mentioned earlier, my plan was to work in the garden. WAS. It has rained off and on all through last evening and this morning so I decided that today I will make ice cream! I'm not a huge fan of ice cream, but Tom is so I thought I would get the Pampered Chef ice cream maker out and get it going again. My fear was that after a couple of years that it wouldn't do anything, it did turn on. However my mixture is still too warm to pour in so here I am on blogger instead. I could nap, but this seemed a bit more productive. 

Since I picked up another bag of russet potatoes at the food pantry at our church I may make another batch of gnocchi. The first ever batch that I made was on Saturday and it turned out pretty well. The recipe which I found on the Epicurious website was pretty easy and easily could feed us over two meals. SO GOOD! Try it you'll like it!

Not a bad first effort
What else do we have planned? Check it out:
  1. Tuesday - Trek to Cascade Meadows Farm and pick up some White Holland Turkey poults. We had talked about growing our own Thanksgiving turkey this year. The craziness with COVID19 kinda pushed that idea to the back and we didn't think of it again until a couple of days ago. I don't know that happened, but somehow we got on the subject of growing turkeys. When Tom said he still wanted to do that this year I knew that I better get in contact with Farmer Jason and ask him about getting some poults. We will be picking up six poults tomorrow morning. Who knows this might turn into a thing.  
  2. Wednesday - FINALLY going to get my hair cut!!! I'm able to cut Tom's hair okay, but Tom doesn't have the same kind of hair cutting skills. He has trimmed my bangs and I'm totally okay with that. Anything else is a NO. Anyway, my hair magician and I had an appointment set up for her to come her to our house. Since we made that appointment our county was okay'd to move to Phase 2. So off to the salon I go! 
  3. Thursday - my special day!! I'm gonna turn double nickels! Whoa. I already have a coffee date with a good friend and then later in the day I believe we will have a small gathering, but I'm not in charge of that, so I'll find out on my birthday what is happening.
  4. Friday - All things garden. I need to liberate my garlic in the crop garden from all of the Canada Thistle growing up around it. We can't hardly see the garlic right now! 
Well, I will be fitting in garden stuff here and there while we are home and not otherwise occupied. There is so much to do! I think I just need to chill out with the garden. It has been a very wet June. The garden is usually in by mid to late June anyway. If the rain keeps up like this I won't have anything out there but the silage tarp and weeds. Oh and the potatoes, sad tomatoes and romanesco. Patience...I must have patience.

This afternoon I do believe that I will take that nap. I'm a little tired from all the stuff that I think I might be up to this week.

I do like this farm life a lot. Looking forward to the day that this is my forever - who knows maybe sooner than later.

Farm Life Best Life.

Fiona and Rex went on a date - kids? what kids?

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