Saturday, July 11, 2020

Official Name

This photo was from when the shed was mostly whole
When we received the certificates for Rex & Fiona stating that they were officially registered and we had their pedigrees in hand it was time to make a decision. Do we REALLY want to register their offspring? After some discussion the answer turned out to be yes. 

Since Guinea Hogs continue to be listed on the "Threatened" list on the Livestock Conservancy breed list we think it's important to continue to add to those numbers and hopefully helping to recover the very special breed that they are.

What's the deal with the title of this post? Recently I did some google searches for where to buy swine ear tags and found that a Premises Identification Number would be required. Okaaaay...After going through the USDA site and then reading about how to obtain this number it became clear that we would need a farm name. Pigs 'n Poultry was just something that I came up with to call this blog and my instagram account. I have changed those names a couple of times, but I still like to identify those accounts with Pigs 'n Poultry. 

Our official name will be Windswept Farm

How did we (I) come up with this name? For the past couple of weeks as I was thinking a lot about what makes our farm special to us. Seriously came up blank. A couple of nights ago as we were sitting outside watching the critters I decided to look up a farm name generator website. There's a site for EVERYTHING! So after clicking through a couple of times and reading off names to Tom (i.e. Prairie Farm, Rainbow Hills, Happy Farm, White Stag - all NO), I came across Windswept Acres. Now that one clicked! We both liked it a lot and instead of "acres" I said Windswept Farm. 

This makes sense for us because almost every evening here is windy - sometimes there are days when it's windy all day! Anyway, one can come and visit us and clearly see what has been affected by the winds that we experience here. Metal roofing has been blown off the old equipment shed at the back of our property. There are trees that have a permanent lean to them - one was a very tall cedar tree that was right behind our house and the tree actually leaned toward our house. That's kind of a unsettling thing. So we are now Windswept Farm. Which I totally LOVE! 

In the near future I will have to come up with the purpose of our farm and what we are doing here. That shouldn't be too difficult, but it should be done. Basically nothing different than what is going on now, but now officially :)

Farm Life Best Life!

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