Wednesday, August 26, 2020

We Couldn't Break Her

Over a week ago Tom put Betty into Broody Jail. She was in jail for the amount of time that we leave hens in jail that usually sufficiently breaks them of wanting to sit on eggs.

Not with our Betty. She went broody really fast after being released back into the general population. When we figured this out, it was Friday (August 21st). During our evening after dinner routine I had enough of her wandering around and making her broody noises. I broke down and said we need to give her eggs since she has found her calling in the chicken world. A world that has NO rooster by the way...I gave her duck eggs. Again. Last year she hatched out a couple of ducklings in May and then again in late summer. from the four that she hatched, we still have one.

Betty with Walter & Leona
We started something with her by letting her sit on the eggs and it appears that she is not willing to end her mothering ways. Granted she is a good momma. She takes REALLY good care of her babies! So well, that we are not allowed to come within grabbing distance of her or the babies. Let alone look in her general direction - sometimes.

Back to the eggs, we (I) gave her three. She also has a nest that is better for when the ducklings hatch and she'll be able to get them out of the garage whenever she likes. Last year she chose a storage tote that had some straw or and pine shavings in it to set up her broody hen shop.

This is what she has this time -

An milk crate placed in a storage bin that is on its side
Her very serious look
If she continues to be broody, I might just let her be broody. Depending on how things go with the turkeys she might be our ticket to adding more White Holland chicks to our flock. However, she is so protective that she might not allow the poults to join their own kind once they are hatched. We'll have to watch the turkeys and see if they will be broody. Turkeys raising turkeys would be my first choice. However, if we had to, we'll turn to Betty for her incubating services.

Farm Life, Best Life with a broody hen!

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