Sunday, August 30, 2020


Rex & Fiona and kids
Victor & Bridgette
Happy 5 month birthday to these two! They turned 5 months on the 28th :)

Our baby swine are no longer babies. They are growing out really nicely and are still so sweet.  Bridgette is quite the bossy little lady and will push her brother out of the way when it comes to food. However, poor Victor doesn't fight back, he is pretty chill actually. He' like, "Okay Bridgette, whatever you say" so passive. 

It's hard to say exactly how much they might weigh, but they are looking bigger all the time. That could be because of the fallen fruit from the pear trees. They don't seem terribly interested in their evening meal recently. New plan, just put out food for them and see if they are interested after filling up on pears and grass and clover. 

We are still planning to process Victor come winter time, we'll see how he looks in January or February. 

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