Monday, September 14, 2020

Twenty Nine

On this day 29 years ago we got married.
Today 29 years later we are still married.
That day was a beautiful sunny day which followed a rainy day.
Today is a smoke filled day and we pray for rain.

We had plans to go for a drive into the Willamette Valley and visit the Willamette Valley Pie Co. for lunch and meander our way back home. However, a week ago fire started up and down the valley and now much of western Oregon & Washington have smoke filled skies and it has been this way since last Wednesday.

With all of the craziness that has been occupying our minds - COVID19, lost lives, crumbling economy, the closure of businesses, BLM and protests - I'm glad that I have my rock by my side and God in the middle of our marriage. In the end, no matter what, we know that God is sovereign and he will make thing work for his good.

Today we will celebrate our marriage by doing service together. We will be heading out to shop for our Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes. Serving others in the name of Jesus wins every time.

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