Friday, September 25, 2020

Last Friday of September

This past week has been a bit of a whirlwind, but then at the same time very slow. Work has been a little quiet, kind of. Home life is always go-go-go. Let's get these five things going...

Pokemon Go - Last Sunday was Pokemon Go Community Day and the featured Pokemon was Porygon. Yay! Since last months Community Day we decided that we would do all future Community Day events at the WSU campus around the corner and down the road from us. Last month was pretty quiet and there weren't many people. This month was different because of the fires and it was the first Sunny day with no smoke in over a week! There were all sorts of people enjoying the campus and the trails and everything. It was fun to get out and move a bit. We ended up walking the trail that leads to the entrance off of Salmon Creek Avenue and put our pokemon in the gym that is new at the WSU sign. Our pokemon are still stuck there and it might be a while until we get kicked out. Oh well. During our walk we passed this cool sculpture - 

New Book - A couple of weeks ago I placed an order for a new book with canning recipes. It came highly recommended by Living Traditions Homesteader Sarah. I've been enjoying her and her husband's YouTube videos and she had mentioned this book a couple of times. So I took a look on Amazon and read through the reviews to get a feel of what other people's thoughts were and went for it. I was excited to see that it would be delivered earlier that I thought and now I'm keen on starting to plan next year's garden while going through the recipes in this book!

Cabbage - few things worked in the garden this year. So to find a cabbage that was worthy of harvesting was a nice surprise! This variety is called Filderkraut and I had grown it once before with excellent results. So I was hoping for more than just the one head this year. There might be another one out there, but if there isn't I'll just have to try again next year. Next year's garden is going to be so much better, I can just feel it!

Baby Magpies - This week we have been enjoying watching the little Magpies developing. Unfortunately, the runty one of the trio got into a bit of a pickle yesterday and it didn't look like he/she would survive. Evidently it was all drenched and not able to walk very well. Tom set up the heat lamp and tried to dry it off as best he could and put her under the lamp. When he went to check on her again this time she was in the middle of the garage, all wet again and laying lifeless on the floor. Again little duckling was put under the lamp and Tom didn't have high hopes that she would make it. After hearing from Tom a couple of times I said a quick prayer for the baby to be strengthened. Miraculously, he/she perked up and appeared to be doing well. Today after I left for work the baby took a turn for the worst and even after a little help from Tom ended up passing away during my lunch break. The little one is the one at the bottom of the photo. We still have the other two and we are sure that Betty will continue to raise them up. She was made for this! I am sad, but since it's hard to bond with these little ducklings the loss isn't that huge. We still have two and they are a blessing. 

Silly Turkeys - We spend time with the Meaties and the Turkeys after dinner most days - weather permitting. Last night was a nice evening so we started making our way out there when I heard the familiar sound of the turkeys chirping. Then I saw them...

Seriously, never a dull moment with these two. I was able to surmise that these two were Cindy & Mindy. Just exploring the future pig palace. They are a couple of goofballs and we never know what they will be up to at any given moment.

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