Friday, October 9, 2020

Friday Round-Up

This week has been a little weird - so much that I'm not sure about today and the weekend.

Well, after a solid year of needing, wanting desiring to be away from the Fire District I did it. I quit - kind of. Actually, I decided the kind thing to do would be to give ample notice so that a replacement could be hired and properly settled in before I sail off into my farm sunset. So I will continue to work through the end of December and wake up on January 1, 2021 and be a retired person! 

Then what? Since we will both be drawing retirement (mine will be a reduced benefit for leaving "early") I might do something that doesn't have set hours. The other day it occurred to me that I could become a Notary Public and do mobile biz. Over the next couple of months I will do some more research and see what I will need to do to earn my commission. Until I do that, I will devote time to do more work for Operation Christmas Child and do a whole lotta work on our farm. We'll be doing the work together as it should be and enjoying life as farmers. 

This is really the big thing that happened this week. I spent a couple of days this week going to appointments so, not much has happened at home. Well, that's not true, there's always something. We did move the meaties/turkeys to a less poopy area, nothing big. In a couple of weeks we'll be getting ready to process the meaties and I'll be on vacation - yahoooo!

Until next time...I'll be resting my way through the weekend!

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