Wednesday, October 21, 2020

The Garden

 It's been time to put the garden to bed for quite a while. I would say since the middle of summer when I started to realize that this year's crop garden was just an idea. Or a dream...yeah, dream is more like it. 

The only thing that worked would be the Salvaterra Tomatoes. Even then, I wasn't 100% satisfied with those being in the big garden. Mainly because the bunnies were in and out and nibbling on pretty much anything that looked good to them. We do have a solution that we will put in place for next season. Tom was lamenting to one of our friends about the bunnies and she suggested using burlap. I did a little research and found a 100' roll of one foot wide burlap at Uline. Since there are so many other things to do right now that can wait until the spring once we get closer to planting some crops in there.

Once I can get that in I think I might be more excited about the garden and maybe, just maybe we will have things like beans. 

So long sad 2020 garden!
Today I spent some time getting some of the giant plants OUT. ALL of the Romanesco was overgrown and therefore no longer edible. Actually, I don't think that it was ever in an edible stage. Every time I would go and look at the plants there was nothing. Maybe I just got them out too late. Next year I'll have to try getting the seeds started early and then get the plants our once the frost has past. Hmmmm... Also pulled up the rest of the cabbage, cut open the pumpkins for the pigs and took out the T-posts that were used for a tomato trellis and the stakes that reminded me where the center of the squash plants were.

This year's garden was so disappointing. So much that I didn't really care to see how things were going with so many different things. I am happy that I had enough tomatoes to put several pints of sauce on the shelf and some tomato juice as well.

Next year will be different and I will have loads of time to work in the hoop house and in the garden in addition to taking care of the pigs and poultry. I think I've been wanting to leave my job ever since we added laying hens. That was just one thing in addition to the garden(s), but I could tell that I needed more time. Not to mention the rest of the critters that we have added to our little farm. 

Once I'm retired and settled into my new routine at home Farm Life is going to be truly the BEST.

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