Sunday, January 30, 2022

Week Ending January 30

It's been a little nutso around here and I'm finally sitting down at the computer so I can post something...

This week has been all about GUS!
Gus in his shelter

He decided to hop onto the riding mower.
He is a widower gander now that his partner Greta was taken by a predator nearly a month ago. I'm a little sad, but the change in Gus has been amazing. 

Before, when he had Greta, he was a JERK toward me. He would totally go after me and bite me and hit me with his wings. Greta wasn't much better, she only looked at me with disdain. He must have sensed her attitude and followed her lead. 

I'm trying to remember when we got them, I want to say the Spring of 2019. Which would be just about right since Lenny (my sweet Lenny) and his pal Sheldon were both victims of our ignorance and stupidity and were both taken by a predator in the night. 


When Tom went to Wilco and brought home a new pair of goslings I was pretty excited that we would have geese. Little did I know that they bonded with Tom and I was not welcome. It makes sense since he was home with them all the time while they were young and I was still working full time. So naturally, I was the outsider. I don't think there was a time that Gus would even tolerate my presence. He's funny that way. BUT now that he is a single, and I'm home all of the time...I'm not so bad. He really has accepted me as his momma...again, he's funny that way. 

So, this week I have been observing his Gus-Gus ways and he just wanders around with the chickens and the ducks and avoids the pigs as much as possible just poking around and check out stuff that appears new to him.

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