Friday, January 14, 2022

Week Ending January 14

This should do for a little while

So this week has been a full one! 

On Monday I got to spend a couple of hours with one of my besties. We had coffee and I drove us around to play some Pokemon. It was nice to connect with her after the holidays and stuff. We really don't see each other at church and Tom and I dropped out of the small group that we were a part of since 2014. It was time for a change :)

Tuesday was the last day that I left the house and saw other people. Because that was also the day that the little pigs decided to pay a visit to our neighbors behind us. That was the day that Animal Control came by and chatted with me about the pigs. 

So. Much. Fun.

The woman that I spoke with was super nice and she was impressed with the condition of the pigs 'n poultry. She mentioned that there are situations that the animals do not look good. Anyway, after a few minutes and talking about what needed to happen (electrified fence) she and her partner left and I felt pretty good about the visit because that is what we were going to do anyway. Hopefully the cranky neighbors behind us will be satisfied. 

Today the six girls broke out of the garden and were roaming all over the place. At one point they were no where to be seen. UH OH...I decided to check behind the old shed and hey - there were our pigs. Not farther than the neighbors driveway, but not close enough for me to see them while I was working out front. That accelerated my plan to move the fence - which I had hoped to do on the weekend. I spent  entire afternoon outside not finishing my original project because of the PIGS. In the end I got the fence all moved and energized. Fortunately, Tom was able to come home a little early and check the wire from the energizer to the fence for me. It wasn't hitting hot at all. 

It's been quite a day and I'm pooped. I'm also tired of all the pig poo...which I was mucking through all afternoon. 

I'm thankful that today was a nice day - no rain at all!

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