Wednesday, January 5, 2022

January 5, 2022

My goodness - I've tried to get a post done since Monday. Granted yesterday I spent most of the morning out running errands and then doing chores once I was home and after I ate my lunch.


So I think today is Wednesday. Being retired does that to a person. Every day is the same, but at the same time each day is different. 

As of the week of Thanksgiving my new "title" is Farm Manager. Not just a retired office worker from a local fire district. Farmer Tom is now Engineer Tom. Due to circumstances beyond our control he has gone back to work full-time and I'm doing my thing here at home. I did get a bit of a break since Tom was home all last week and I reverted back to my lazy days, doing whatever I like whenever I felt like it. I don't think that I cooked any meals all last week...good for me I guess.

This week has gone well though, I'm back into the swing of things with the animal feeding routine. That has gone REALLY well! Except when Mr. Rex decided to push the back of my leg and also ran his tusk on me. Good thing I was wearing my overalls! It still was a surprise and I scolded him for being a pig - hehe.

The one big thing that I've wanted to do is reconfigure the Premier1 fence along the west side of our house. Most of it is hog netting that we used to keep the swine on the house side of the fence and not in the field. It worked for a long time until Aunt Ethel had her litter of wild piggies. Over the past couple of months they have gone under the fencing just beyond the goose enclosure to graze in the field. I don't blame them, there is more yummy grass out there. However, now that Greta is gone (predator) I decided that Gus didn't need to be penned up all the time. So now he free ranges far way from his house, but he doesn't really move too far from behind the garage on the other side of the driveway. 

I digress...

This week I took down the damaged poultry netting around the goose area that Greta had destroyed and set it aside. Then I took the hog netting that we used to extend the goose area and continued it on toward the big shed. It was about 20 feet short, so I ended up using another fence that the piggies were just going underneath. After that was in place I decided that the other fence charger be put on that series of netting going all the way down to the path in front of our house. Yesterday I got everything all connected and plugged the fence energizer into the outlet in the pig barn and BAM we got a hot fence! Well, it wasn't turned on yet, but I remembered before I went in for the night. 

This morning I was pleasantly surprised to see the 5 littles grazing in the yard and not roaming the field. Someone may have gotten a zap on there nose...hmmmm.

That's a W for me!

We'll see, I can't celebrate too much, ANYTHING can happen! Piggies are tricky, but I'm on to them and I'm going to try to keep up with them. 

This first week of 2022 is starting out well :)

The littles, Big Daddy, Big Momma and Little Momma

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