Tuesday, April 26, 2016

On Our Way...

Way back in 1998 we moved into this old house that sits on over 2.5 acres. Since the very beginning I never had any thought of doing anything to make the land "work" for us. I have enjoyed gardening from the small backyard garden variety to gardens that were well planned out and larger scale kitchen garden. Those were well thought out and pleasing to look at. Which always included flowers and lots of them!

Playing in the dirt and making things grow. Yup, there is great satisfaction in that.

In more recent years as my satisfaction with my job starts to wane I start to think of things that I could do that would not require going to an office every single day and dealing with people...the introvert in me has blossomed quite nicely over the years. Simply put, I'm tired. I need something different to do that brings a certain amout of joy that has been lacking recently.

It's hard to say when this idea that a hobby farm could be created...but I'm thinking within the last 5 years. In the last few years I have been stepping up the gardening thing and starting to think on a more grand scale. As it has been quite a while since we last had a big garden, our garden last year was extended on both sides of our privacy fence that we built a couple of summers ago. Just to make sure that I could maintain the things that I was growing and not forget them, we just stuck to the basics - beans, tomatoes cucumbers leafy greens...and a few more easy to grow items. This year I am going to up the amount I grow and plant whatever comes up in the trays that I have started.

I'm very excited!

I have not quite decided if we should offer community gardening or a CSA or what...but I think sometime down the road (a year or two) we'll add chickens to the mix and see how that goes.

For now I am dreaming of a home business and the chance to do things that will make a difference in the community.

This was at the end of last season.

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